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Painter - Francisco Goya
An 1826 portrait of Francisco Goya by his contemporary compatriot Vicente López y Portaña.

Painter - Francisco Goya

Born on the 30th of March 1746 in Fuendetodos, Aragon, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes is seen as the last of the Old Masters. He began to study art at the age of 14, but his career did not kick off until 1771 when he received his first commission. Within four years Goya was working for the Spanish Royal Family.

His career continued to blossom until the 1790s when an unknown illness caused his deafness. His malady, the Napoleonic wars, and the death of his wife, all had an effect on the artist and much of his later work has a dark theme. He kept these works out of public view for the most part, and continued to paint lighter themed commissioned portraits.

Goya left Spain for Bordeaux in 1824 and it was here that he died of a stroke in 1828 at the age of 82.

For a closer look at the pictures, please click on them to enlarge.
1 .
This 1817 piece, depicting three blacksmiths at work, has what title?
The Forge
The Anvil
The Hammer
The Workers
Suggested meanings of the piece are the common man crafting Spain's future on the anvil of history, resistence to Napoleon, or (more simply) the dignity of workmen
2 .
Painted in 1770 as Goya's entry into an art competition, this work shows which historical figure as he crosses the Alps?
Augustus Caesar
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
The heroic figure of Hannibal is attended by several supernatural creatures, one of which (the ox-headed figure in the foreground) is thought to be representative of the River Po.
Goya did not win the competition in which this piece was entered, although he did receive some encouraging praise from the judges
3 .
Painted between 1771-1775, this is a portrait by Goya of which artist?
It is a self-portrait painted when Goya was in his late 20s with a full head of long, flowing hair - a far cry from the more familiar grey and balding man painted by Vicente López y Portaña in 1826, which can be seen in the title image of this quiz
4 .
This is one of a set of five paintings bought by the Duke and Duchess of Osuna in 1798, all of which had a theme of witchcraft. What is the name of this piece?
Murder Under Moon
Witches' Sabbath
Horned God
Pagan Prince
Goya's paintings of the supernatural are regarded as a criticism of the superstition found in the church and a mockery of the powers who promoted such primitive fears
5 .
Saturn Devouring His Son is one of a series of 14 works which Goya painted as murals inside his own house which were never meant for public display. What is the name of this series?
The Mortality Paintings
The Dark Paintings
The Death Paintings
The Black Paintings
The murals were painted between 1819 - 1823 in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars which had ravaged Europe. Goya was nearing the end of his life and had developed an interest in dark themes such as old age and death
6 .
The Parasol is one of a series of oil on linen paintings done by Goya for the future King Charles IV of Spain and his wife. What is the name of this series of works?
The Linen Scenes
The Cloth Pictures
The Tapestry Cartoons
The Fabric Paintings
The series contains 63 pictures painted between 1775 and 1791. They all showed pleasant scenes of everyday life and were intended to brighten up the dining-room walls of the Royal Palace of El Pardo in Madrid
7 .
Thought to be a painting of Goya's housemaid, nurse, and possibly also his lover, Leocadia Weiss, this piece is entitled "The Milkmaid of..." which city?
Bordeux is the town where Goya spent his final 4 years, before his death in 1828.
There is doubt amongst some art historians as to whether or not this painting was done by Goya, although most accept that it was. Rosario, the daughter of Leocadia Weiss (and possibly of Goya himself) was a student to the artist and some claim that it may be a work of hers, although the quality of this piece is superior to any of her known works
8 .
Completed in 1774 the Frescoes in the Cartuja de Aula Dei are a series of murals depicting whose life?
The Virgin Mary
Julius Caesar
John the Baptist
Painted directly onto the walls of the church in Aragon where Goya's brother-in-law was a monk, the frescos show scenes from Mary's life, up until Jesus' presentation at the temple. Just seven of the original eleven paintings remain. The rest were lost during the "Desamortizacion" of the 1830s, during which many Spanish monasteries were dissolved. The pictured painting is entitled Nacimiento de la Virgen, or Birth of the Virgin
9 .
One of several works partially inspired by Goya's fears for his sanity, what is the name of this 1794 painting which is a record of the poor treatment of the insane by society?
Yard with Lunatics
Ironic Asylum
Hospital of Horror
The piece depicts a scene witnessed by Goya himself during his youth. In a letter to a friend the artist wrote, "a yard with lunatics, and two of them fighting completely naked while their warder beats them, and others in sacks; (it is a scene I witnessed at Zaragoza)"
10 .
Finished around 1805, La maja vestida is so named so as to distinguish it from another of Goya's works. What is La maja vestida known as in English?
The Young Maja
The Reclining Maja
The Clothed Maja
The Resting Maja
In 1800 Goya had painted La maja desnuda, a work almost identical to this one - but with the subject entirely naked. Both were painted for the Spanish Prime Minister Manuel Godoy, who had a reputation for womanising


Author:  Graeme Haw

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